Bishop of Cork and Ross invites people to respond to Church changes with a time of prayer, listening and discernment
On a weekend when heavy rain and winds had blown across his diocese, it seems more than coincidence that a new pastoral message from the Bishop of Cork and Ross should begin with a scripture quote: “Even the wind and the seas obey Him”.
Bishop Fintan Gavin read his message on Sunday to pilgrims attending the annual Mass at St. Finbarr’s Oratory, Gougane Barra.
Bishop Fintan’s message is a call to the people of the diocese to commit to a year-long time of prayer, listening and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in the parishes and chaplaincies of the diocese.
In a time of unprecedented change in society and the Catholic Church in Ireland, people are understandably concerned about their parish’s future, he said.
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Five priests from around Ireland share how they followed their vocation in this 15 minute video
This video was made by the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother at the petition of the National Vocations Office (an office within the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference) for the Year for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood.
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